Uluslararası Fıkıh Usulü Konferansı

"İstanbul Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi ve Exeter Üniversitesi İslami Yeniden Biçimlendirmeler Projesi tarafından ortaklaşa düzenlenen özel konferansta uluslararası çapta seçkin araştırmacılar tarafından fıkıh usulü odağında Fıkhi yorumlamanın entelektüel tarihi ele alınacaktır. Konferans programı aşağıdadır.

Not: Konferans dili İngilizcedir ve izleyici olarak katılım davet usulüyle olacaktır. "

Reformulation and Hermeneutics: Researching the History of Islamic Legal Theory,

Istanbul University

21st-24th February 2016.

Supported by

Faculty of Theology, Istanbul University

Islamic Reformulations project, Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter

This collaborative conference between the Islamic Reformulations project and the Faculty of Theology, Istanbul University will take place in Istanbul 21-24 February 2016.  The conference will examine how, through history, Sharīʿa rules have been justified by Muslim thinkers, with a focus on the debates and discussions in works of legal theory.  The conference will bring together leading researchers from the Middle East, Europe and North America in the discipline.  The conference organisers are Professors Robert Gleave (University of Exeter and Director of the Islamic Reformulations Project) and Murteza Bedir (Dean of the Theology Faculty, University of Istanbul). Registration for the conference is now closed.

Programme (as of 9th February 2016)

Sunday 21st February 2016

Participants arrive

19.00 Welcome and Evening Meal

Monday 22nd February 2016

Day 1:

09.00: Opening Remarks: Professors Murteza Bedir (Dean of the Faculty of Theology, Istanbul University) and Robert Gleave (Director of the Islamic Reformulations project, University of Exeter)

09.30: Panel A: Situating Uṣūl

Zysow, Aron (Independent Scholar, Boston): “Causal analogy (qiyās al-ʿilla): a historical overview.”

Reinhart, Kevin (Dartmouth) "Punctuality and Laxity: Deferred Performance of Ritual Obligations in Uṣūlī theory"

11.10: Coffee/tea

11.40 Panel B: The Elaboration of later uṣūl al-fiqh

Ahmed, Asad (UC Berkeley): “The Indeterminacy of Uṣūl in Post-Classical Legal Theory”

Fatemi, Seyed Mohammed (Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran): “Conjectural Certainty: Shiite Epistemic Theory of Insidād revisited”

13.20 Lunch

Afternoon: Tour

16.30 Panel C: The Emergence of uṣūl

Vishanoff, David (Oklahoma):“The Structure and Composition of al-Shāfiʿī’s Risāla: Three Books, Three Outlines, Three Arguments.”

Stewart, Devin (Emory): “Hadith Reports that Present Ordered Lists of Uṣūl and Their Implications for the Early History of Uṣūl al-Fiqh

18.10 Concluding remarks, Day 1 (Robert Gleave): Close

20.00 Evening Meal

Tuesday 23rd February 2016

Day 2:

09.30: Panel D: Contested modern uṣūl al-fiqh

Opwis, Felicitas (Georgetown): Between Maqāṣid al-Sharīʿa and Tashrīʿ Islāmī: Ibn ʿĀshūr’s Navigation of the Secondary Rules of Law

Morvarid, Mahmoud (Tehran): "Decision-theoretic approach to ḥujjiyyah: a new look at contemporary Shiite uṣūl al-fiqh"

11.10-11.40: Coffee/tea

Bedir, Murteza (Istanbul): “Overemphazing the role of uṣūl al-fiqh: Ijtihād debates and uṣūl al- fiqh

12.30 Lunch

14.00 Panel E: Emerging themes in early legal theory

Ozen, Sukru (Istanbul University): “Abū Mansūr al-Māturīdī's Concept of the Bayān"

El-Shamsy, Ahmed (Chicago): "Continuity and rupture in fourth/tenth-century legal theory”

15.40 Tea/Coffee

16.10 Panel F: Taqlīd

Chaumont, Eric (Aix-Marseilles): "Al-Bāqillānī vs. Taqlīd: Another peculiarity of al-Bāqillānī's legal theory"

Qazwini, Sayed Hossein (Islamic Seminary, Karbala): "Did Ibn Idrīs al-Hillī end the era of taqlīd after al-Shaykh al-Ṭūsī?"

1750 Concluding remarks, Day 2 (Robert Gleave): Close

1900 Evening Meal

Wednesday 24th February 2016

Day 3

0930 Panel G: Reason

Gleave, Robert (Exeter): “Something and Nothing: Assuming No-assessment and/or Licitness in classical Shīʿī uṣūl al-fiqh"

Schwarb, Gregor (Berlin): “Muʿtazilī uṣūl al-fiqh at the service of inner-Jewish polemics."

11.10 Manuscript Tour (including lunch)

14.30 Panel H: Language

Adang, Camilla (Tel Aviv): “Ibn Ḥazm's discussion of Dalīl al-khiṭāb in al-Iḥkām fī uṣūl al-aḥkām

Cohen, Mordechai (Yeshiva University, New York): “Adaptations of uṣūl al-fiqh by two Rabbanite Jewish thinkers in al-Andalus, Moses Ibn Ezra (Abū Hārūn Mūsā bin Yaʿaqūb ibn Ezra) and Moses Maimonides (Mūsā ibn Maymūn)”

1610: Closing remarks: Robert Gleave and Murteza Bedir

16.20 Tea/Coffee

17.00 Public Session: The future study of Islamic Legal Theory

18.30 Close

19.30 Conference Dinner

Thursday 25th February 2016

Participants depart